Selasa, 31 Juli 2007

Gino dress

My Gino knit cafe dress is now complete, I posted it before my UK holiday but my edging and ends weren't actually finished.
I had to re arrange the buttons as the red where originally at the bottom of the row and when I put it on the body, they looked like the nipples!?
I think that this is probably the best garment that I have created free handily yet to date.

Senin, 30 Juli 2007

Week two UK holiday

This is the top that I made whilst on my travels in one week. Three balls of wool and a 5.5mm crochet hook. I used all the stitch's I knew, but in a combination of ways ups and downs and in circles. The colours are a little clownish, I impressed my self with the back detail.

Rabu, 04 Juli 2007

Before and after my felting experience!

Read in a mag about felting and thought the yarn I had used to make this bag was the same type.
Easy it said just whack in washing machine on a 60 cycle! Ha...... and this is what happened The dark green turned to gray! oops

Always read the label carefully.

Senin, 02 Juli 2007

This week I have been mostly crocheting!

Shower puffs! what else possibly......

This week I have been mostly knitting?

Garden yarn! the wire sort.

Recycled dress on my model. (size 16 clothes that I crochet)

This is yet another dress that I have featured before but I'm just so impressed with my mannequin that I'm going to run all the dresses again that I made and showed flat last year again.
(Hanging flat on a door, is hardly a flattering way to show your work)
"As they just look so bloody good hanging this way".

C-knitty (meaning as in? crochet knit)

His idea came to me during a recent turbulent flight. I just had to make notes as I had no wool (Camping and festival) This would have guaranteed any new idea (creation) Would have got wet and dirty. (But I know better now, just wash it later) So I did a detox and went 5 whole days with out knitting.....HARD

It really was a shock horror, I am defiantly an addict and even thought of knitting with a couple of my daughter pencils (Seen a young uni student do exactly that)

But what would I knit with? I did think about the grape vines as we where in France but even that was a little too much, thus my addiction to the fluffy stuff.

"Dam no yarn shops in Clisson......"