More sample and yet more free form, I'm still not there yet and its nothing like I have seen on some of the blogs but its my version. The random colours that you would never use together and just the outragousness of it. The pictures i haven't turned but if its up the right way it looks like a cape of colour. And has made for some interesting photo's. Experimental fun.
Minggu, 30 September 2007
Free Form (re visited)
More sample and yet more free form, I'm still not there yet and its nothing like I have seen on some of the blogs but its my version. The random colours that you would never use together and just the outragousness of it. The pictures i haven't turned but if its up the right way it looks like a cape of colour. And has made for some interesting photo's. Experimental fun.
This week I have been mostly fixing
Rabu, 26 September 2007
Fetish dress
1) major problem with the weight
2) solution new sleeves?
3) Also in my trying on session I feel that I should reverse the dress? the back will become the front as originally their where more stitches at the front and so when you wear the dress the bustle part is at the front (major cock up)
4) The red part that you can just see is the under skirt and attached, that too has become too heavy! And not the desired effect so I will UN pick that part and also re-think!!!
5) To then create a separate skirt a tight pencil type of style in knit and pearl could be an answer, so all in all its back to the drawing bored.
I had to laugh at the try on and I'm not that bold that I share an image but the black fish seems to have turned into something that either:
Deta Von tease would where?
Marylin Manson!
Or on a Vivian Westwood run way.
None of the above was what I had in mind when I started but I guess that's what its all about.
Never expect the expected.
Senin, 24 September 2007
String for a straw bag
Tiny tights sculpture
Minggu, 23 September 2007
Kids tights, this weeks project
This week I have been mostley!
Selasa, 18 September 2007
Little flower fairy
Senin, 17 September 2007
Knit Update
So its an Ebba and the black and cream dress that I am making is taking so long that I thought I'd take a break and have ago at some little dresses.
Fast and quick to knit up. 8mm hook in cotton wool yarn and I ended up with a fairy dress. I need to fix the sleeves and I think put a ribbon through the waist part and It will be completed.
Jumat, 14 September 2007
A rainbow of crochet
Rainbow plastic fantastic
This I made just before I left England it was my 2ND or 3rd attempt at working "An all in one" piece dress. Its made from plastic kids scoubie's and I made it a tad on the tight side I had to stretch it over Kate. My daughter is desperate to hit her teenage years so she can wear it out! now that will be interesting.
What is this for?
Kamis, 13 September 2007
This week I have been mostly! crochet-ing
As an artsy crafty type we (yes all) buy little bits here and their and we hoard samples, yarn ends,ribbon, buttons etc.
And it can be a really inspirational time, going back through remembering what and why you made the sample brought the thing, button?. Heres my example explained. The broach, the pin part I have had for years from hobby craft type store, brought the button in London and then stitched it on a random flower crochet sample I tried to make! and wa!,la.
Senin, 10 September 2007
Turkish Crochet
And a very kind lady, took the time to help me as my many attempts failed me. I have to learn by the picture I cant read the pattern it never make sense so I just try and break it down. I now know enough stitches to work it out.
But this was the hardest yet!
With a little help I have cracked it. I just need to work on the edges.
All my samples wont be lost in vein as I can use them in some free form crochet.
And in my attempt at trying to learn Turkish I discovered another new stitch.
In Swedish its called Krockning! (bad spell)
Kamis, 06 September 2007
Knitting Converstion
This top was one of my first knitted pieces and I really didn't like the neck line! to fluffy but at the time I was unable (not confident enough to unpick and redo)
1 year on how ever and If any thing I'm a little too confident with my unpicking, but if you don't brake it you can't learn to fix it! (UK daft saying)
But any way it worked and the new neck is better, still not sure I'd want to where it but the memory's of making it are too precious to unpick completely. (As it was my 1st perfect no mistakes plan and pearl attempt)
Selasa, 04 September 2007
Knit cafe at my house!
My HND Friend just visited from UK, so it was a good time to inspire and brush up on some techniques and my daughter joined into. And yes that is a pear cider each in the back ground not tea!(not for Monet of cousre) but we are in "Sveige"
Take time to learn something new,international trying to learn Turkish Crochet. We even visited a new yarn shop.
Fab shop, knit cafe on a sunday 12 till 4 and meet a hole load of new, nice people.
This week I am mostley crochet-ing a dress!
Here is the edging part. This dress is going to be only in cream, black and gray. Very winter and not my usual colour pallet. But I'm trying some thing new. The crochet I am trying to make more sculptured and how I'm achieving this is by crocheting in one piece but hopefully in different directions.
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