Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008

Naked knitting

Carol Hummel's artists
Nancy Mellon

This was meant to be my new weekly slot/ from now it will be but if I'm not quick this weeks slot will be next weeks.

Its title will be, well for the moment Google image, knit hit;-)
(Any suggestions welcomed)

My inspiration for this new idea came when a few weeks back I Googled "Men knitting" I got so many excellent images (tough to choose)

So I had the idea that each week ill Google Image something funny/random to to with knitting or crochet and then post pic's with text.
Naked knitting- of course, there where a few adult type! shall we say hits, but also some funny one's and some nothing really to do with Naked unless bare as in bare tree!. I have to limit to a few pictures and these are the ones that I chose.


Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008

Yellow daisy buttons

Perfect buttons for my new grass effect bag.
A shop in Odenplan called Dolly's at 1kr a button, Bargain
Not quiet at the Fin part but I'm getting their. I prefer this way of lettering to my original idea, it's going to take a while but it will be worth it!

Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

This week..........

Eye Cord Mania
Here's my new project, it's a take on Raverlys Blankie Mania. My version is a spiral rug. Use what yarns you like,odds or new and so in the end you will have rainbow of colour and texture rug. Eventually;-)

Eye cord on my new size 12 needles.
Finley round three, trying yet another idea! If all else fails at least I'll have a few to choose from for his Christmas gift.


I found an image of a Gelfling just in case that you where unaware of the film The Dark Crystal.
My felted Lotrrh would have fitted her perfectly;-)

Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008

This week I have been mostly

The dress is all in one piece so I find it easier to crochet the sleeves actually on the mannequin.

This week I have been mostly crocheting sleeves. And not my usual signature sleeve which are always two different. So far it's a new thing for me design wise I'm making both at the same time and they are currently the same.

Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008


Teeny tiny- Gelfling dress;-)
Felted big time!

"Lord of the Rings" meets "Robin hood"
My inspiration was the beautiful Liv Tyler.
This dress has history and was precious to me, It was the fantasy one that helped me to get noticed with my dresses.

I decided to give it a wash and hope that it would pull back into shape etc
I also didn't realise that the yarn that I once referred to as
(An English baby crisp) was in fact 100% wool!

Also un-aware the rented house I live in, the washing machine that came with it. That could almost be described as a museum piece.
This is the funny part....... it has no heat limit!
So my 30% wash was more likely a boil wash;-)

Not to be horrified with the results!

I guess a new title is needed, another fantasy film that I like is called
The Dark Crystal
so this will now be refereed to as the Gelfling dress.

Gelfling could be best described as part fairy part Liv Tyler (L,O,T,R character)

The bin makes a good reference for size, for the dress that once fitted a 5ft mannequin.

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008

Round two!

Still not their yet, I spent an hour looking through the knit lab library
(No such thing as crochet lettering)

From "Vintage" to "Crochet for dummy's", no knitted letters any where to be found.
Along came karin, she worked out my problem is 5 minutes.
I guess that's 50 years of experience for you'-)

So I'm now attempting my third go!

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008


My new nephew and I thought it would be nice to make him a name blanket!

Here is my 2nd attempt this time I am crocheting with the two yarns at once for the lettering leaving the yellow attached.
I think this will too flop/ be frogged as the letters look more like graffiti bubble than cute baby!

My 1st I rejoined the yarn for each letter that had an even messier effect.

At the Hurtigs knit cafe last night, the others told me of a Swedish saying that means at least four times and then it works..........so two to go and I will be their.


Senin, 13 Oktober 2008

Recycled dish clothe

At 69 pence a ball this is one cheap way to make a bag. On my recent UK trip I visited Leeds, a first for me and the local market was so good for knit and craft. Two balls of yarn and a few buttons at a fraction of the price if I'd purchased in my home town of Reading.
Not as strong as string but not far of for the feel and texture. I figured a Free form bag was the best thing to make. It has an almost grass/like like appearance, so some buttons in the shape of flowers and maybe a bright pink ribbon and then it will be finished.

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

When dainty meets Chunky!

Here is the underside/I have lined the dress. The chunky part is four DK balls crocheted together.
The dainty is also four balls but in the skinniest thread.
The inspiration for this dress was the eye cord I made on my new wooden 12 size double pointed needles/ the biggest knit lab had!
(I wondering, what's the biggest that one can buy!)

Im quite taken with the potential Of the basic eye cord.
Progress so far.
My new dress/ flying and knitting. A good combination to get you moving on with the project just that bit quicker.

The dress so far, all made in one piece with the skinny yarn, I used a mixture of crochet and knit.
For the lining, I then pick up the stitches on the underside and crocheted on a chunky 25 mm hook.
I attached the two bottom edges with crochet it looks almost as if has a puff ball finish.

Leeds fashion/Angelas cat walk

The crochet flower detail (pretty cool)
The crochet layer of a modern day wedding dress/ French chic!
Angela getting the collection ready in amongst the stick insect models;-)

My reason for my recent England trip. Angela my H,N,D buddie now at finishing her degree with a 1st with honours.
She is trying to make her own label. Well currently working with a friend from her University course. ( two better than one to be noticed!)

Her promoting and some help and support from me(And T) set up.

We went to the charity Leeds fashion show, where they showed some current and degree work.

All I know is she is in a tough business, that just take that's something special to take off!

I just hope she has that left in her and hasn't burnt out with all the studies and the defeat/deflation of going alone.

She has worked so hard, she deserves some slack;-)

Antczak and Hatton their label title

Senin, 06 Oktober 2008



Part one of my Traey Emin tribute (Formally known as Blankie Mania)
I just need to add the love!

Actually I guess it could also be a Ed Hardy ad, that's a love hate skull thing? I think
I should ask Brittany, she seems to be their best advert.

Maybe she needs a doily for her new house.

Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2008

Whats new for knitting Oct

New dress, maybe!;-)
Charity shop Yarn
Inspirational Canvas

Pink is ready in time for Oct

Winter Pink

I guess it's not so good for Winter, it's original title as it would be a little to short for a Swedish winter;-).


What it would be good for and finished just in time is
Breast cancer awareness week, every thing pink.

To finish the skirt I edged the eye cords with a crochet chain, the thin pink band that you can see at the bottom of the skirt.

As originally I had lots of ends just hanging loose but I decided that its needed something else and the band worked, giving it even more structure.

I chose

Balls instead of buttons, again just for more fun.

Jumat, 03 Oktober 2008

This week I have been mostly making!

Memory Tags

To tag all my dresses and project so that I remember when and how, if ever I should have a big exhibition.
I should say "For when I have my big exhibition"

And of course a "post it note" would be enough, but not my style........this week I have had a production line on my kitchen table of

Step one

Make tag.
2)Plastic to cover and protect.
3)Then a hole punched.
4)A crochet chain attached.
5)And of course the added plus a safety pin and pearl to attach to the garment.
job done;-)

Kamis, 02 Oktober 2008


Funny! for boy'z and girls in any order no gender preference.

The Blythe doll was taken from a blog (Seems to be a big connection with Blythe and knitting)


Whist looking for a man knitting image. I got sucked into the Google thing and before I knew it I had saved a few thing that I liked or made me laugh. This was the hunky man picture.
ps-still making eye cords

Rabu, 01 Oktober 2008

Hurtigs Tuesday

These where to exact style of sticks a complete matching selection. Men really do need a tool for every thing.

Same but new

it was Just me happily knitting away in an extremely packed Hurtigs! feeling sleepy the heat the repetitive stitches. I was about to leave when Anna came, then here's the new part
Joanus (Bad spell) came next.;-)

My 1st male knitter since knitting in Stockholm, then Annika and the greatly awaited Jenny. Seems she can spot a fellow knitter at 10 paces.

He too is a doctor, the fact that it was a male knitter to the group was interesting and impressive enough.

But here are some more of his facts, he'd only ever used vintage 50's knit book!impressive;-)

Then came the his Sticks, hooks and double pointed wooden needle collections. When I say collection I mean it!
Brings a smile to my face as I type these words.
The most I've ever seen anyone carry.

All presented with love in green Chinese silk/sateen specially made for each type wrap, luxury and beauty at the same time just fabulous!

He even had a metallic pink hook! very jealous because I don't ;-(

Yet another good knit memory to add to my collection.