Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

JELLY Crochet

Just a Quick post at the end of a busy bank holiday

A jelly post

It's not all Wibbly Wobbly in fact it has some pretty neat edges.

Currently completed, all my ends and there where plenty of ends stitched in.

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

This week I have been mostly.......

Jelly is almost completed, just a couple of little gaps and then a white surround just like the logo on the leaflet has, that I'm working from.


This is Rasmus not wanting me to blog about the outside:inside festival.
These days if its not one family member needing something its the added
extra family member's, please walk me......Oh the pressure;-)

The Telle Tubbie hill is nearly gone, we are now on skip number two! Could you believe it. This has all cut down from what still looks like a forest, a small English garden;-0

Grass seeding the next step/fill some of the gaps.

Skip number two now sat empty on my drive.........

Karins Bag

This is a bag by my good friend had given to me on the last day of Stockholm

Its hand made hand stitched and a project bag with pockets. Whist shorting
through my art room contents yesterday I found it safely wrapped in its gift

It's now in my hand bag ready for the Outcast knit night(wed just gone).
Wet wet wet, knitting.

I just can still
not believe how talented one women can actually be.


Frogs, this little frog has almost been eaten by Rasmus, frightened my nephew andre-released back into the wild by my child twice but it keeps coming back and now I realise why as it's living in a bush near my patio, nature is a funny thing.


This was my recent London trip shopping with daughter train crochet, it will
eventually get added to my Rhubarb and Custard that I'm working on.

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Outside:inside Festival Reading (Crochet Graffiti)

The festival


Working with the Outcasts.
The first of many projects I hope, more news to follow. I just want to say a big thank you to all the fellow Blankie Outcastians.

Forbury in bloom.

Forbury Reading

Where we should have been, but the weather in the UK is just awful and the rain has not stopped falling. Summer? what summer.

Wellington's required, so the forecast said. We where very lucky and the rain came as we finished but a wet knitted field would not have been a pretty picture. The venue change was defiantly for the best.

Destination change.............

Butter market not far from jelly /renegade knitters where on the loose.,_Reading

When are socks and croc's are cool?.......

When they are in fact crocodile brogues with hand made socks. These

Funky shoes where worn by a very funky character.

One of my blanket/Graffiti meets.

Now here is where the funny story's could start, but I think Ill just leave it with the cool.

(we don't need to mention prison? oop's I did, you have to ask me when you see me.)

And a thank you to the random bottle of beer brought for the ladies, I guess he figured we needed a treat or though to be honest with the colourful collaboration of international, more Moet & Chandon would springs to mind than beer;-).

Graffiti in the pubs.

VIVACIOUS we figured maybe that with a beer or two the public may not notice my dyslexic mistake and if they did! who cares. My Crochet in a Reading pub, very cool very street art.

Thanks again, Mel, Suzanne, Kira, Barbara and malenie,
not forgetting Bama and Louie. And anyone that stopped to K.I.P.

Press so far


Knitters Outcast will be making a giant picnic blanket surrounded by knitted graffiti by Alison Friday in the gardens and on the theatre stage, an open mic show run by
Kangaroo Court will offer opportunities for singing dancing, monologues and improvisation.


Outside:Inside Festival will also be celebrating visual and performing arts through a
variety of exhibitions, installations, interactive performances and workshops. Participating
artists and groups include The Rising Sun Arts Centre with their three roving carnival
creations, Vicky Vergou with her "Language Box" interviewing people and Ann Rapstoff's
piece "Office for the Dissemination of Sympathy" A mini art market featuring many local
artists will take place on Saturday 14 August. The final festival weekend amongst other
art activities, you can join the Outcasts (a group of renegade knitters) making a giant
picnic blanket surrounded by knitted graffiti by Alison Friday in the Forbury Gardens
followed by a spellbinding performance of "The River" beside the Holy Brook.

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Plugging in to the Knit pipe line.........

Up-date before my part with the Jelly,

Arts and knit Outcast renegades,

(part of inside:outside festival) started.

With the on coming Inside:outside festival about to commence lady Ga-ga needed a new waist band to make her fit the mannequin tighter.

Check list

Grafftit packed (cable ties?somewhere)

All armed and ready/ducks check.......

Huge blanket........check ("This is me, early art piece")

Lady Ga and mannequin, check ,check.

The waist band was a kind of ballet skirt reproduction, the type that wraps around. I used ribbon and the original tie at the back (pull tight part) to re-create a new waist band.

Up close.

Completed (again)

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

Hectic Weekends..........

A wagtail.......

Look close this was Monet Sunday night project that surprisingly made it through the night and then luckily the RSPCA came and collected her lost and then found.

Poor Monet, all through the night every hour cat food and water this little Wag tails was a little more than she had planned but she did her best and he made it.

A Lesson learned,Nature left for nature but of cousre it was mum that got the telling off as she was back to work volunteering at the local stables. Yes she would have kept the little Wag tail if aloud, but basically a little more than a determined 13 year old can deal with;-)

It's all rhubarb and custard and unfinished projects.......

Freeform bright.

A compilation of my favourite stitches, no idea what or how just doing it!

Lady Gaga

The eye cord skirt is basically a remake so that I have a bottom for my Lady Ga-ga top. The process is slow as basically (I keep saying this I must stop) the waist grew and grew it was supposed to fit but eventually ended up huge. I could not remember how I had originally constructed the skirt??? go figure

Really I should write notes, free-forms great but you kind of loose track of stitches and stitch construction.

I think that it's the move, I have been in such a piggle, losing my things I never never loose my stuff. It's like the house has turned into a black hole!

I got so mad that I cut the waist band(criminal) and then this was the row of knit stitches that had to be picked up.

The new waist band I plan on it being a kind of wrap around so that the waist can be a one size fits all type thing.


ust basically sleeping thorough my manic...... Just how did I do it? construction, reconstruction........... say that after a large glass of wine and stay fashionable.

Scary garden finds..............

Mr scarecrow looking like some thing from a horror movie which is basically.....(again) my garden, aka Sherwood forest.

The pile is huge(bigger than ever, and still no shredder in sight) and the cutting of the last tree eventuated in me actaully getting Rich involved? shock horror the busy man.

Who decided my way, the chop a little at a time???

Was in fact not productive at all and he cut the whole tree in one move! Oh yes bigger better! (not always best) which eventuated in it actaully landing in the neighbours garden whole.

Luckily they where out and he was able to jump fence with the help of my teen and chop into very large pieces and pass over the fence a huge drama! Thank goodness I had managed the four other trees alone or we could be facing a law suit!!!!

Chopping and entry? oh er sounds a little like a Carry On sketch.

Jelly so far so good .........
Getting there? I think so I just seem to have to many things on at once.
An Over achiever? one would think so.

Dan's baby blanket

It's more a cot than pram that's almost finished, I'm happy to say.

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

Jelly Crochet


Not the wibbly wobbly, well it is! but it isn't
In the form of crocheted graffiti.

It's a little piece that I'm currently working on to show my
Gratitude for joining the outcast knit cafe.

So far
So good!


Jelly cube practice.



I have tried to give shape/depth to the Jelly cubes which surround the letters.

More TV Knits

9 till 5 featuring the lovely Dolly Parton.

R.I.P Rabbit knitting.