Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

It's raining it's still pouring.

It's raining it's pouring

I'm OK with the rain, because i'm still on my making everyone blankets project.  And if the sun shone (wish it would) it would make crocheting the think blankets yarns extra hot!  (Cold at night, not right for July)

Its a plus side to summer rain my blanket gift production line can continue.

This blanket had to be put on hold and ended up being a car seat blanket as the orange wool , Eco wool which I had purchased a while ago had issues.
My hand 
The hook
The seat area
All looked as if it had been tangoed.

Orange residue below.
This dusting of orange sherbet covered me, my house and sofa.

Plus side
It did make my hand smell of a lovely soap and I decide that the risk of the orange running into the Gray stripe would be pretty high.  

So I cut it small.  Big enough for a car seat and then machine washed it? 
(yep 30)
It felted the orange but it didn't actually run at all, so I could have continued but thought maybe I had just been lucky and I should save the remanding two balls of orange for a duck (Or small project)

Watch this space.

Crochet door hangers completed
( I can add as I go on, but for now they stop the bugs)

All crochet using bits of old/new stored junk.  

Hanging from a a thick crocheted chain of string.  

I just used a hook to attach the strands, that I had previously made.

A WIP if I want to.

A ray of sunshine

Jason Momosa? (god knows who) I discovered him in one of the trashy magazines that hang around at work.   The sort I really don't want to admit to looking at (briefly I flick/ not read the trashy slate everyone type)  

But I do like fashion,not endorsing.  I saw him, and Hubba hubba sprang to mind (It reminded me of one of my good friends Maggie sayings;-)

 Bargain of the week......
Six of these purchased on a trip to a strange place called Didcot, My £2.99 charity shop bargain.

Pottery red wine goblets that I really have no space for I just couldn't resist.
They could also be candle holders!  There here to stay ill just squash them in some where.
I maybe a little quiet for the next two weeks as I'm of on my summer holls;-)

Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

It's all gone desperately seeking crochet

I'm a little 80's at the moment,, I guess my recent 1987 post could possibly be a link my current reads have been 80's patterns it seems the charity shops are full of vintage 80's.

This is my free-form and it's definitely taken on the 80's feeling.
So here it is a little Paper, pastel lace glove, well that's the  look.....
It's a paper Bangle that really is only fit For a Madonna character of  the 80's.
its not going to last forever but at least it will do a season, ERA;-)

Madonna  (just in-case)

Desperately seeking Susan crochet.

Lace glove, fingerless 80's staple.