Senin, 13 November 2006

Audrey Hepburn

“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” Who am I kidding that I could look that fabulous and knit? I am usually the one that’s dropped the contents of her bag all over the floor (Searching in pocket for where things should be that I have not put back?)
My wool/yarn all twisting up, trying in vein to actually understand a pattern (If their even is one or just making it up) and sitting pretending I actually know what I am doing.

The scene in breakfast at Tiffany when she finally finds a husband and she has actually puts furniturein her apartment for her and cat! (She’s happy but is she?)
Then she sits and Knits this huge red thing, that she says she got the blue prints and from the new house mixed up with here knitting pattern she thinks!.
I know how this feels……
The pressure cooker explodes!
And she still looks fabulous

Funny how this scene all happens, and that she still looks fabulous.

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