I joined central Stockholm’s fabulous library. And found these to two creative books, even in English so I was very pleased.
Title ‘I love knitting’
By Rachel Henderson
This is a fun funky up to date “knitting so modern” type book, with excellent photos fun ideas and a nice light easy feel.
Going to have ago at making some bed socks of my own inspired by Rachel design idea’s.
Title ‘easy crochet accessories’
By Carol Meldrum
The front cover features a crochet stitch that looks as if it’s melting, easy to read bright and again fun. This is my first Crochet book and I was amazed to see the different amount of stitches that there are. I have only ever used one stitch and had recently taught myself a new one. I had always just used different sized hooks to get the effects I need.
I have seem many a different stitch on old fashioned baby blankets and ponchos but had never really sat down and thought how to break the stitch down and this weekend I have learnt two new stitches already!!!!
Creating a stitch using the four stitches, but two wraps and a twist? Known in the crochet world as a Double treble (dtr) the first stitch I ever learnt is this but you just wrap the yarn once. And I also learnt how to make a round, working out from the centre not every chain which is the way I had always done.
My other stitch that I had taught my self I now know its title it is a Half treble crochet (htr) my god I have had a busy weekend.
So overall I’m dead impressed with my new inspiration, think I will photo copy the crochet techniques and work on them.
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