Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Artist Help, Packaging dress updated.

Packaging dress updated

A package from OZ

Grrl + Dog

Big thanks ;-)

An offer of packaging for my ever increasing dress.

Welcomed with open arm's.

Posted from way across the ocean.

Rasmus obviously sniffing the dog of (Grrl=Dog)

Dress so far

Fuller skirts.

I needed more packaging for the sleeves and the length.

(Undecided yet as to just how long I will go!)

A little Grease lightening

But who cares.

It was the one that I wanted........

Oh honey!

Back detailing........

(Made up stitch!)


Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Lemon Aid, Halter Neck Knitted Top.

Lemon aid.

I hope that you had a very relaxed Christmas;-)
Mine felt like robo Christmas!! ,the years the routine all just a little to familiar.
Robot me.......

(Scroll down previous posts and you will see charity shop buy)

Now my conversion.

(knitted on 3.5 /5 then 7 to widen ends as if a bow)

Back edging added.

Stitches up close/using a flash (Swedish darkness!)

Collage for future projects, colour and inspiration
(Just simply, I love to do collage)

English Eccentric

I love NY

Below completed Dance dress show.

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Merry Knitmas

Huge Post, apologies

Merry Merry Knitmas;-)

Completed but I'm left with lots and lots of ends.

The crochet back bone needed edging.

Because you could see the join,

So I put on a top layer, using the same stitch.

Project charity.

This was a shop brought frog,


I have started to fixed it.

£2 bargain,

That I think will eventually become some sort of tank top.

I just love the mend part.

("Make do and mend")

Sad when stitches are bagged up and forgotten.

This was half way done, left to unravel

So I picked up the stitches

knitted up a little,

Then I have dropped stitches to make a neck line

And make way for straps.

Mear's baby car seat blanket completed.

Perfect little crochet stitches.

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Frocks and Knickers

New Dress

Back bone stitch.

Structure and the new stitch again, I think that I must have been thinking about
my friend Angela with out realising as her uni final piece was a knitted back bone.

I crocheted one with out even thinking.........

My background art matches my dress;-)

Baby Mear's

Crochet Baby Blanket.....

It's a new stitch and it makes the yarn double the thickness.

These colours I think are ok for boy or girl.

The Lilac the only iffy one, but I have a boy and I was ok with lilac.
Pretty safe (modern day and all)

This will be a perfect size for a car seat.

Not made anything baby in a while, but who can go wrong

with a baby
blankets as a gift.

From Baby to Vintage baby

Another one for my collection.

Price 2 d

I have not seen this part before, a tension square, Very cute.

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Dance Dress Free-Form , Ben & my W,I,P's.

Men Who Knit!

You don't see very many

(So when you do I think that they are definitely worth a mention)

Ben Fogle and the dude from I knit London.


Ben Fogle who? facts below.

I know his dad is a famous vet, so the lime light, a chip of the old block.


Any way that's enough about Ben.

My new Free Form Dance Dress

Snow is falling

Unfortunately I missed the sun slot to take the photo, that's why
it's a little dark.

But the back drop is pretty.

I'm hooked, all other projects are mounting

As I'm crocheting round and round my mannequin.

(some project just work better actually stitched on the mannequin)

Technique for fitted or heavy dresses.


You just get a better feel of the project working this way.


Free form- New Stitch

Plus packaging dress to the left.

Project charity is stuck in motion,

New stitches picked up and put down.........

Pom-pom in my garden/snow elements.

Project 1975


On hold/pattern picked.

And I'm ready to start.

I just need to get some yarn/pretty much exhausted my stash.

Big Christmas hint..........;-)

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Doily's Kitch or Cool?

Doily's ,doily's every where........


Or Cool

I say cool,

And not for the traditional reasons,

(Well actually, that's a lie)


As I do have a side board,

On this side board, under my mirror

Is in fact a rather large quiet beautiful,

crocheted doily.:-)

I never ever thought that I would become the type of person

That gets excited about Doily's.......

But that's me,

I use them in my art, It didn't occur to me
(Always having a stock of charity shop doily's)

That during the summer months the

charity shops, stop stocking.
(Say that fast!)

my carefully, hours spent, hand made, pop your pot plant on

Type doily's are....

Traditionally used in winter only in Stockholm;-).

But its that time again......



And I found my self getting completely excited,

Over my 100kr around £10 spent on doily's.

Oh what joy, Christmas come early.