Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

SEXY Santa and Crocheted Recycled Storage.

This bill board today stopped me in my tracks.......

Sexy Swedish Santa Ad's

The tattoo and the animal print pants on a man.......

Oj oj oj

(Laughing very loudly at this point.)


1 ar blir julen litl sexigare(lost paper for dot's oops, sorry British key board)

one year get Christmas Yule/tied sexy.

kop aret julklapp fram RFSU: sexlesaker pa Apoteket

(Kop) are Christmas from RFSU: sex toys from Chemist.

Something similar;-)

Blue packet reads

Trust in lust

Is that a dildo in
your pocket or are you just
happy to see me?

(Xmassy fun)

Recycled Crochet Storage

Old fabric

Crocheted on a size 10 hook, quick easy and pretty effective.

This Years Mushroom

Cute little tree decoration, it seems that I have a thing for mushrooms and I recently visited the Christmas market in Gamla Stan and brought this one.

Saw this and it seems to be a big theme with me lately the"Make do and Mend" 1940 but here's a war time poster I found on Wiki.

I like the strap line , but with two teenagers in my house their is never any food to preserve.

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