But I was actually un-aware that purl as in knit was spelt differently!
(it was a while ago, my spelling is defiantly on the improved side of the scale) "Boy have I come on a long way"........ But for all of those who know me well, they would just think it was for my love of pearls, because I have an ability to team pearls with any out fit! (unfortunately not real pearls) huge charity shop collection.
Funny fact is the only real pearl that I have is attached to the end of a crochet
The Recession depression, which ever the uk title
Having the week away I was able to catch up in some U,K literature, the girls packed well as living in Stockholm I can buy Uk editions but at twice/three time the price so about twice a year. But in this over dose selection of trivial trash (most of it!) The magazines talked about How to save
Recycling your clothes
Your fabrics
Your T Bags (Becker)
But mostly about what people are doing with there spare time,
Not spending, but actually making!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It seems brewing your own coffee is a huge saver
(Sorry to the Star Bucks employees that lost their jobs)
The biggest mention was the fact that people are again enjoying the crafts such as knitting and crochet. Maybe not the biggest arcticle, but to me it was! DIY (love it)
I am really pleased/very glad even, it’s a shame that it takes hard times, for peeps to fall into that don’t buy it ill make it phase but better late than never.
I would be hard pressed now to buy a shawl or a cardi
I just could not justify it! not since i've been knitting/crocheting my own things,
When it would be good money for good quality yarn and I could make my own.
Own design
Own time
Own one off gift that no body else would have.
Whether it’s this years, new picnic blanket and if you’re a beginner it will take a while. And as with all knit projects, it will always have that knitted/crochet history.
The story that come with every stitch. You don’t get that with the blanket you just brought form say Ikea. The only story that comes with that purchase is a guarantee that when you leave you blanket in the field to have a swim in the River.
(This is a Swedish thing I mention don’t think many rivers in to U,K are sadly swim-able any more)
The only guarantee is that when you return to dry off, you’ll be hard pressed to find your pic-nic spot. As there will be so many blankets of the same type of ikea print, that you will struggle to find yours.
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