Today's knit Event
New coffee shop on the block, well square! the place that I live is on a tram line and each stop has it's own little square.
The square with new coffee shop is Höglandtorget, very nice too;-)
Apologies for photo, not my usual standard but I'm getting even more of a
Tech head! Taken from my phone camera and then down loaded to my PC!
New coffee shop(my mission other than the learn to knit and crochet whist living in Stockholm)
Was to in fact visit as many coffee shops as possible, my art work can always travel.
So I'm not a slacker;-)(Aimed at my UK friends)I work and drink coffee!
Sat at my new local, I begin work with my Booby Teas Pot Cosy.
I was only sitting there for thirty minutes and I already
"Had one conversation about my knitting "
Two very elderly nod's of approval!
(kind of code, a nod or a wink, pleased that the young)
Young I use lightly (past the 25 to 35 tick box bracket!)
The nod /wink happiness that I'm continuing with the tradition.
And that I KIP
Knit in Public always. Mind you, three years I have been in Stockholm And as my Swedish friend know, not quite gotten around to learning Swedish.
Well I know the knitting terms when said slowly!
When given a compliment I answer in English this prolongs the silence and really I don't want to ask
"What did you say!"
That would be so rude (my lack of language)
I think that it's about time I actually signed up for some lessons.
(I Can't believe I typed that)
So if any thing, I would know exactly what the nice complement that I was told meant, by that friendly person whom appreciated that I kIP.
Oj oj oj, we will see! what my future brings.