Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

Fun pic's of Knitting and crochet through the decades

I picked up this book one of my trips to Uk in one of those reduced book shops, It really was a complete bargain at £2 or £3 pound.

Its' a fun book ,easy patterns(I think) and best of all, good illustration.

My pictures I appologise, I did this the easy way and used my camera/ scanning would have been the correct way and neatest way;-(.




Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009

Bags bags bags

Rag bag

I have gone bag crazy.
It seems that I'm not feeling inspired by my usual fantasy dress flow.

Ballet Pink Bag

Acrylic Red Heart Yarn Bag

Here in it's really early stage's, a few yarns lined up to make this an interesting fabric.

Other Inspirational bag ideas.......

Knitted ends bag.(I always keep the little ends when sewing up a project)

Alternative bag. (VHS)

I think that the bags will be a great start to my Etsy shop.
Below is the link to my empty shop that will soon be full of lovely one off original crocheted and knitted bags;-)

Triangle shawl

Up close my pink edging stitch

I'm now thinking about what to use to hold the shawl closed, I test ran it this afternoon with a broach and I think that I will have to make at least one more row of triangles as the back part is sadly too short for me;-(.

But I still love it.........



Karen Turner I discovered her on the UK Handmade blog, I think that she he defiantly worth taking a look at. Her fabulous delicate ceramics are very pretty, very inspirational.

Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009


Friday Morning

Triangle shawl

So far so good, I have joined all of the triangles.
Brick built triangles.

Project bunting almost, I have made two row's. With the two rows
my plan is to then attach by a middle seam and then I have one more
ball of hot pink to edge the shawl.

If I decide that it is big enough, but maybe I need yet more triangle's.

The Land lord builder's, are definitely affecting my Mojo!

I'm keen to have the old house fixed up but the banging and the drilling and supervising the dog and the builder.

It is really affecting my knit and blogger Mojo I just can not concentrate;-(

Friday Afternoon

Friday 's International knit cafe


SIS knit cafe
Venue excellent, ticked all the box's
food = good
Company excellent

6 peep's (one bebe) And one guest star that being Angela(Quirky lil knits) my good friend from uk.

She was here to visit for a few days so that we could chat and knit.

we have an awful lot in common (knit wise) so many similar idea's, so many knits/crochets

So little time......... but bloody Mary! when we fly..... a total freaky co-incidence.

A few of the projects

A lot of scarfs, the two differnt size needles (popular)
And so a few trip to Garn Studio.

My triangles,Angela (custom pattern) and Celines baby dress not to mention Sabine's bright green
felting for a !st attempt felted bag project

I think that we really got off to a good start.

Friday evening
Cocktails and Knits

Angela and I crocheting and knitting respectively whist sipping out Manhattan's
(Msssssss Hatton)
at the Hard Rock Cafe Stockholm.

Very funny two cocktails and not a stitch dropped, god damn we must be experts.

Photo from Knit cafe part two of Friday;-)

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

This week I have been mostly making......

This week I have been mostly making...........
Is a title I use loosely, if I have lots of projects on the go at once (I usually do)
Then I use this title to explain a little about them all.

This post I guess should be re-titled

Yesterdays Knits

Yesterdays Crochet

My morning

tram train, so plenty of time to wip up, a mini version of
Perfect little stitches
(with left over Ecuadorian yarn)

My late Afternoon project was the duckling.

Again tram and train time used to full potential as I had a school meeting and unfortunately didn't make my Tuesday knit cafe.

The Hours seem to be just running ahead, I seem to be chasing everything..........


And my naughty dog

Early evening


still working at the joining
I think that I have it, colour pattern etc

But your really have to concentrate or this happen, I managed to attach three wrong.

wrong side
wrong way up
wrong angle
You can not get, wronger than that!

So I frogged and left.(Not a harsh frog just the few that where wrong)

Quick mention here, my day I just edit the crap, house, dinner, chores,washing, momentous same old same routine, dog walk's not all knitting and art.

Picture taken before I realised, side by side/not reversed(oj oj oj).

A complete tangle of triangle, this is not a travel project it can only be managed sitting at a table.

Blue ducking

Pleased to announce that a Face book fan page has been set up for this project.
I need to work out how to put the link, but if you have an account you can just search the title below.

Crocheted Plastic Ducklings For River Knit Graffiti

Gemma and William wedding seeds
, summer fast running out here;-( sadly.

These seedlings where a favours gift at my friends wedding, so I just want to say a quick how cute.

Seeds of love and all that..........

And that I hope they flower before Autumn.(keen gardener not!, but I try)

And to show Gem that I actually planted them;-)

Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Traingles everywhere?


It seems that where ever I look, I see triangles(haunted ;-)
I dreamt triangles..............

Sad I know but last night I sat with a piece of paper to try sketch just how,

How to have my triangles make a shawl.

Triangle and humps.

Branch Triangle

Up side down, in triangle in the tree.

On the concrete

Up side down on the bench

I think that I have colour scheme I like, pretty random and I know that I want to attach them with crcohet, that way I can stitch all the trailing ends as I go.

That much I do know...........

Sock funny

I saw this on one of my blog's that I like to look at every now and then. Had to post this picture for all those soak addicts out there................

It's just too funny

Sock summit!

Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

Perfection, maybe baby

Hand bag heaven
Completed my perfect little stitches.

New stitch on the straps/sturdy stitches.

Perfection in a rainbow bag.

I love the colours

I love the shape

I love the texture

I love the bag

The £1 store corsage works well with the bag colour combination.

Traingle Dilema

What shall I do with my triangles?

I know that I'm making a shawl I'm just not sure how to set them out, I need to get my thinking cap on

23 triangles and counting.............

Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009

Perfect Little Stitch's

Perfect lil stitch's, hooked on crochet.

My design, inspired by my Ecuador yarn collection.
A crochet bag
(It could be an Etsy buy)
I'm still working on having a shop (on line Etsy)

These are the stitches that flowed
Whist sitting on my patio;-).

Rows and rows of perfect little stitch's.

This bag will be lovely, the texture and feeling of the five yarns mixed together, great.

Perfect stitch's, Up even closer;-)

(Congrats to Karin on baby Z)

What a Wedding!

Louise Fairburn, who is an award-winning sheep breeder
Louise Fairburn, who is an award-winning sheep breeder, decided to get married in a fleece from her own flock.

She designed the gown and took wool from her favourite rare Lincoln Longwool, Olivia.

Read more about it at the Daily Mail, link below.

Blog that I read it about it first on.

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

Knit Cafe' and other crochet projects.

Fridays knit Cafe', international.
Today's crochet and my shadow obsession.

Knit cafe

I'm hopefully running one (mini project), it's to do with my kid's school. Not just me, I have a
second in command Celine very strong crocheter;-).

I had to announce it today, 1st PTA meet
(slightly nervous)
But I think that it went well

We will see, once I have finalised the venue. Will they come.......

I even made a little knit cafe booklet
, describing what a knit Cafe meet, means to me. I use the term made lightly as I have thing saved in the pc that's as far as I've gotten.

Tonight's plan!, finalise pamphlet.........well try

P,T,A crochet

A bag, Ecuador yarn style.
Size five hook, five bright yarns and a basket(coffee) and of we go.

Door plate

My letter E (plan B,C? not sure what)

Crochet lettering, two colours at the same time.

I do like that you can be tidy with the colour that you are not using. This way of making the letter, does not really impress me it's just too organised.

I prefer plan A, that being total free form, so I turned my sample into a door plate for my daughters friend.

Pizza Slice Crochet, any one?

This is project shawl
I began the triangles, but on taking the photo today , they look so good that you could eat then, sandwich/cake slice?.
(future project!)
The colours's mmmm,mmmmm.
Pink, today's purchase.

Poetry Society
In a nut shell........
800 volunteers

unveiled in Oct
I'm a teeny tiny part(one square), how cool.
It made the Guardian, today's paper, take a look';-).