Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009

Knitted Chair?

A knitted chair

Or just a chair with some knitting! either way, Funky.

(Just playing with my knit's)

Made with recycled old clothes, not fit for charity.

Queen of Hearts

My VHS dress is staring to win me over, I really haven't been that keen in the making.

It has taken me a while and I have had to strengthen a lot of the dress.

But this heart neck line that I have recently created, is really lovely the

Red and black is such a striking colour combination.

The juxtaposition of the Red cotton on the Dark VHS tape

Random things

A good year, Just a simple conceitedness
I saw this in Stockholm and I have never noticed it before. I have a thing
about numbers, when you see a number that means something special to you.
(My hubby thinks I'm weird) This is my year of birth;-)

Press Byron adventure.

Horse Travel

This was a funny sight, the lady had parked her horse, only in Stockholm.

It's a very horsey place, but this was a first for me.

Just in need of a quick coffee.

You get a bike rack to lock up, but I'm afraid even the most accommodating country doesn't offer a horse rack;-).

What was once Alice!
Not any more...........
Back to the drawing board.
Busy week this week I'm pleased to announce,
Monday, party night Skansen.

Kicking off the Kulturhuset

knit, crochet graffiti. I have happily
volunteered to help out with.(Daily)

To my understanding, Sergal.... lots of knitted/crocheted graffiti and a stall/
stand of some sort.

To show the general public what it is we knitters' crocheter

do. (I think)

I have my plan of action/shifts for the week.

Gunilla my 1st:-)

And then Other ladies that I have possibly/probably met before in the Stockholm

knit cafe scene.

My memory for faces pretty good, name's I'm a disaster.

My knit projects will be on hold this week, VHS pockets to complete.

I have also been sorting out a lot
of my practice knits so that I can donate some stuff to graffiti the city.(plenty)

Un-picked (frogged) still don't like that term!

Some stuff that was stagnant, Alice dress it's progress just annoyed me..........

So I unravelled it, some could say harsh

But I think that sometimes its good to be drastic.

Part finished or just simply bored of, frogged........
Unpicked and made in to Mini balls for future Pom poms.

Just a little knit organisation.


When my head is simply not in a concentrating mood,
My reason today (To hot!).
It's good to go through your W,I,P's, I don't usually have much unfinished(Honest)
But It seems my standard have slipped, I have accumulated quiet a few recently;-(.

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