Kyle Richards is gearing up for the new season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills debuting this Monday, September 5. While Taylor Armstrong is still grieving, the other stars are left to carry the promotion load.
Kyle spoke with Breezy Mama about whether she still wants another baby, her relationship with her sister Kim, and her relationship with frenemy Camille.
Are you excited for Season 2 of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills to start?
I am excited for the show to start. I’m anxious, but excited.
Was there anything that came out of the first season that you were surprised about?
I was surprised how time consuming it is and I thought the problems with my sister – I can hide that… nobody will be able to tell. But once the cameras were there I was just myself and everything was out there.
Were you surprised at how open you got?
Yes and no. I’m an open person and I really do wear my heart on my sleeve, but the stuff with my sister – she likes to bury it all… so I was surprised it got to the level it did. I didn’t want it to get to that point.
What can we expect in Season 2 with your sister?
We started to make amends after Season One. By Season 2 we’re okay. We’re still a work in progress throughout the show. We have our moments. We’re probably always going to clash, but we’re sisters. We’re very different.
What about with Camille?
Camille and I are much better. We’re in a good place right now. We’re actually having fun together [laughs].
Did you expect The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills to be such a success? I mean, it’s GOOD! And, well, The Real Housewives of Washington is already gone…
Well, you know, I think people were expecting Beverly Hills to be fake phony people because it is Beverly Hills and I think they found that these are real people, with real problems. It doesn’t matter where you live, or what your zip code is or what kind of car you drive, at the end of the day we all have the same problems and it’s all very relatable… even though it’s Beverly Hills.
The 5'2 actress goes on to say she would love another baby, and is jealous that the interviewer just had twins. To find out what Mauricio thinks, continue reading Exclusive! Kyle Richards Talks More Babies, Kim, Camille and Reality.
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