Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Rasmus and the knitted Graffiti.

Rasmus and the Pee'd on, Pink knitted Graffiti.

Here he is sat back admiring his work!,

No wait ..........

that's me admiring him and my work, from behind the camera;-)

This is Rasmus showing his full application for my art.

We took a walk last week before the big melt.

I graffiti my dog route, as it just makes it a little more
interesting, especially when there is nothing but stupid snow.

I like to diary if you like(Just a photo), how long they last.

And how they start to blend in with their surroundings.

I miss them when they are gone, do all the dog walkers?

I hope so;-)

Rasmus obviously remembers this pink knit well

as he attempted to pee at it the 1st time but missed.

He is a only a doggy teen, just two.

(The tree that is!, he is house trained as does not pee on my knitting in general)

And on the re-visit he did it again,but properly.

I guess the knit is my way of marking the tree.

And the pee is Rasmus's.

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