Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

The knitted convenience

The Beginning!!!
My contribution to the knitted convenience
My little joke, the free-form crochet on a loo roll.
(Toilet roll inner)

A spare hour, a pot of tea on the patio and my little but all important contribution.
My quick crochet.....it's at least a couple of sheets, Crocheted today then straight into a jiffy envelope. next step the post office.
Project K C, NSW oz.
It's really not much, but hopefully a gap filler.
I just hope it cuts the mustard.
(no more yellow joke's, promise)

My knitted graffiti, gets signed. I added my signature;-)
This bug bear dress, is just getting more and more technical.
The weight is still an issue that's why if you look close you can see all my support ropes.
(Well odds and ends of yarn)

My handsome puppy, who seems to be terribly jinxed. Yesterday he got stung by a bee and his face swelled, the swelling went down.
Then.........Today his chin swelled. Poor boy!

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