Selasa, 26 April 2011

BanK Hoilday knit Quickie

A Knit Quickie meaning that the blogs a quickie, as unlike most who had today off, I worked:-0. 

TIME goes so quickly.

Happily as my hours stay the same that way so it works , this meaning I can spand all my free time doing what it is I do Best!!


Above this is not a Christmas tree, lovingly mentioned by my other half that if it grew any more that we could leave it for the xmas season!! it is in fact my Mary Mary skirt.

I had to lift it as it is getting near its completion time and I need to be able to work on the edging of what will be almost a Victorian /Edwardian type of skirt.

I attached the flower badge that my daughter gave me to make the necklace part of this creation.  Its simply stitched to a huge eye cord that makes up the body of the necklace.

Patio time and lets knit

The sun shone

Random that its in fact lets Knit I think really that I should read maybe Lets Crochet! if there is such a magazine.  But they did publish me so I brand faithful;-)  For now.

Unfortuanlty it's not my Stockholm Patio (Im shedding a tear here) South facing and with beautuful sccenery.  Instead my English patio unfortualty looks out to awful conifere trees, and has absoloutly no sun........ 

That is until around 5pm where you get five minutes here belwo I catured it, as it hit (quickly) just so my family would believe me.

But I'm not complaining (Much) at least its a garden;-) I sat with my wine my mag and my crochet, Happily.

Lovely lunches

I got to catch up with my Lovely Sirdar designer buddie, I got this lovely little stash below;-)

Lunch out, we sat in the park at Leamington Spa and had a lovely lunch followed by the above beautiful champayne parrfit pud, mmmmmmm best ever.

Pants Duck
Yes he literately is pants, he is made up of  clean recycled knicker elastic, he will be posted to OZ for a winter project that I got asked to send a duck to;-) 
I will post more when I know the details.

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Sun Shine Shone Shining.

My garden sun when it don't shine, my inspiration for the sun shine part of Mary Mary. Its actually a combination of two things, this my 30th present to myself and I once made a huge collage Murial in one of my many homes (nomad) funnily it was of the hills, sky and sun.

But the sun was my favourite part, all swirls in little square of magazine advert cut up from dark pink to bright orange and all the colours in-between.

I sadly don't have any pictures other than a tiny little disposable camera print 
(ill take a photo of a photo) for a later post so you can see what I achieved.

My crocheted sun.

It kind of looks like a huge flower, this would be one corsage that SJP would be proud to wear.

Maybe I could recycle this at some point into a hat for ladies day?  I guess I had better use it for the purpose created that being the sun part to my grass ,sky and sun.

My rays of sun, early days.

Fields of grass the skirt just gets bigger and bigger.

Recycled Ducks jackets these where the Woodley Library ones that kind of went a little mouldy(Stagnate pond water) so the yarn could not be reused but the ducks where pleased to be scrubbed up for future use.

Washing Machine

Arty fun, crochet and knits on the inside, I see art in everything;-).
More info below.....


Taken from the dark side, or simply with the light turned of and the glow from my globe that my brother made me.

Mabel as you have never seen her look before..... Very Dark

Kamis, 14 April 2011

My Vintage Picnic Set.

My Vintage Picnic Set

Oxfam £20
Floral wicker wicker with plastic mint lids on vintage glass.
I have always wanted one and I saw this, I just had to buy it!.

I cleaned and treated the wood, washed carefully the contents and shined the
cutlery.  Even leather treating the straps that hold the plates in place.

On my google search I came across this, the fact that they sell for double and
more on Ebay, obviously a plus side on an impulse buy.........not that I plan on selling.

It is missing one strap to do up the basket, the leather inside was very dry so the cleaner helped the dust that came from the back of the straps.
And the lids to the sandwich boxes. 
(All this i'm sure Ebay will have at some point)

That it could be 40's 50's or 60's I have not yet worked out how to date the set.

Also that the name Brexton is in fact taken from to names Brooke and Sexton, they had the market on all such early picnic paraphernalia at this time.

But all that said......I don't care, I'm just glad I finally have my vintage basket,
it could be a while before I have my vintage car but you just never know;-)

But in the mean time its perfect for Yarn display.  Another stash.

first post in the blog

first post in the blog

Jumat, 08 April 2011

My Mary Mary dress......

My Mary Mary.......
Well actually first stop my new niece Evie.



My Secret garden
My quiet contrary

Or just simply/plainly,land scape, sky complete with (clouds) and the sun.

INSPIRATION my trip to the dales with (Quirky lil Knits) aka Angela.

Here's how my fields are planted. (Skirt in full swing)
My sky has taken its basic shape.
And today due to the beautiful sunshine, my suns earlys stitches began.
(pic's to follow)

Patch work Crochet

Up and Down, round and round the crochet just wont stop.

My skirt so far, so good, below.

 Below the land scape
This is What I'm trying to achieve.

My Malta purchase at 3 euro's a Bargain.

Selasa, 05 April 2011

70's Crochet an Oxfam Bargain.

70's not only my favourite era for furniture,huge passion for chairs.
The fashion,the music Abba.
It is also my favourite era for crochet.
Patch work! 
(Another of my goals to learn in life)
Retro 70's all the way.........

I picked up this little gem at £2.99 in my local book store (Oxfam)

Rite van der Klip , what a funkyl A-r-t-i-s-t-s title.


Door Beads (I spent a little time) last year trying to find those fly plastic strips that you get for door frames, keeping out the bugs, E bay eventually.
Needed for my out side shed (AKA) Art studio;-)
Why didn't I think to make some........New project

Free-form 70's known then as Free crochet.
What a cool Tree!

Free crochet a little exert of explanation and below the window decoration.
Nets the whiter whites of the 80's verses the home made multi coloured of the 70's!

I know which I would have rather had.

In fact I just made some for my art shed, using some vintage doily that I recently purchased.

Staple gun and some similar doily's ,dye optional.... job done;-)

Teenagers Bed Room

Yes that really is a crochet guitar and record (Vinyl)  
Plastic (70's) not so good but things lasted unlike today.
 Just when you think that you thought of something new, its always been done before.