Selasa, 05 April 2011

70's Crochet an Oxfam Bargain.

70's not only my favourite era for furniture,huge passion for chairs.
The fashion,the music Abba.
It is also my favourite era for crochet.
Patch work! 
(Another of my goals to learn in life)
Retro 70's all the way.........

I picked up this little gem at £2.99 in my local book store (Oxfam)

Rite van der Klip , what a funkyl A-r-t-i-s-t-s title.


Door Beads (I spent a little time) last year trying to find those fly plastic strips that you get for door frames, keeping out the bugs, E bay eventually.
Needed for my out side shed (AKA) Art studio;-)
Why didn't I think to make some........New project

Free-form 70's known then as Free crochet.
What a cool Tree!

Free crochet a little exert of explanation and below the window decoration.
Nets the whiter whites of the 80's verses the home made multi coloured of the 70's!

I know which I would have rather had.

In fact I just made some for my art shed, using some vintage doily that I recently purchased.

Staple gun and some similar doily's ,dye optional.... job done;-)

Teenagers Bed Room

Yes that really is a crochet guitar and record (Vinyl)  
Plastic (70's) not so good but things lasted unlike today.
 Just when you think that you thought of something new, its always been done before.

 Lamp shades

Above heres one I made earlier.....
I must have been inspired by my child hood.

Apologies for such quick and impersonal post and more apologies terrible photos from my phone, had a mini break to the beautiful Malta and not got it all together yet.  

Keep patient.;-)

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