Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

This week I have been mostly..........

This week I have been mostly..........

I set the challenge that I'm not aloud to start any new projects , but that did not include me fixing an old project that I simply just was not happy with.

My Home Sweet

It had a bumpy middle and now that I have really perfected the lettering, I knew that I could have done it better,( I dreamt about it, call me committed) so as if do not have enough to complete. I added in an oldie to fix up, it will not take long;-(.

So yes I am (STILL) over achieving and not learning.......

The up earlier and bed later , really is not helping.
I must work on my over commitment and lack of time management.

Also to stop thinking up new things, Hansel and Gretel(Hans och Greta) Graffiti day yesterday turned out to be an afternoons work, that I had not allowed for;-).

Post to follow

Art and Knit

Completed in crochet.

Packaging dress sleeve

From this to this!

But how......

That is the question?


A new project........

I know I make the rules I can break the rules, its just when a project is one that you have to think about. (my OCA dgree work!)

Then I need time off as the dress is a little stress.

The knitted graffiti from Christmas I have hung.

So I needed , new and easy.

So the star below is in fact 8 of what will be 20 arm cuffs for the stick structure below, below.

Size 8

25 stitches? ish

Then a few rows, easy.

Spring has not sprung enough yet for the buds,

So I need to add a little more colour on my walk home.

For the Stockholmers, do you know where this is?

Marie Antoinette

Colours and Inspiration.

I think that this movie was released in 2006, why I'm a little late getting into it.

This was the year I came to stockholm and totally missed it.

I caught a little on TV a while back , hooked.....ordered it from Amazon.

And got the whole movie experience and I love it.

(Even more than New Moon I have to say;-()
(It's one of my favourite books but the movie ,not so gripped as Twilight)

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Vintage Vogue Knits (Issue 63)

Vintage Vogue

(A Happy Gift)

And a gift from Susan
(My now favourite Friday knit cafe member)

She saw it on a trip to UK and thought of me, made my day.

I just Love them.

The pictures,

the smell,

the adverts,

the feel,

and the classic patterns,

that haven't really changed at all in years since 1st published.

Gadabouts (Never heard of this, so I Googled)

Noun1.gadabout - a restless seeker after amusement or social companionship

Lovely , lovely vintage adverts.

Dering Street, I even like the street name.

Lovely coat, this is one of my I will make one day, so Channel.

So classic , So glamorous.

Timeless cardi.

I love the model poses,

why, because nowadays the models look natural, everyday.
(This is ok)

I like the stiff, proud I'm in a fabulous vintage vogue knit look.

(Or though at the time just knit)

Only vintage now.

Only in Vogue does the Hedge-hog hat look glam.

This is a three page ad that pulls out from the middle of the booklet.

Such beautiful colours and a textiles almost, what's it about.........

Bernat Klien (facts)

Cake stand yarn

I may have posted this picture once before, I have few vintage books in my collection.

This concept is widely used today, yarn on a cake stand.

For me this is also something that when I eventually get my vintage cake stand and yes I know a cake stand..........

The thing is I can just never commit, I like the funky modern, yet I love the traditional antique china type (traditionally used for afternoon tea).

decisions, decisions and the funny thing I'm not really a cake baker, so it would be entirely for my yarns a shelf storage if you like, for the ones that I favour most at the time;-)

Make head way with STRATNOID (knitting pin?)

I couldn't find anything about this make but this is a knitting needle history if you like.

have been unsuccessful in find a print date as I could not see one;-( so a little more research is needed. If their are any vintage knit vogue enthusiasts reading my blog please let me know, how old my latest little knit Gem is that now thanks to Susan is added to my collection.

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Supersized and not the Golden Arches, my post.


Just as it says, my letters are coming on well.........
I'm defiantly busy knit and art wise, adding to that my new study pattern
and I feel that I am waving and not drowning.

But this weekend I really need to get my self a realistic schedule.

As I love what I do, and I need to make slots for everything, God forbid I couldn't fit in my obsessive blogging.

Packaging dress gets sleeves

I really am fed up with looking at this unfinished dress on my mannequin. I guess it does not help that It sits in my front room.(main living space)

Calling out to me , "finish me"........Pleasssssssseeeeee.

Unfortunately I don't have Cinderella little helpers...........

Well two Guinea pigs and a dog, they need constant care, walk ,feed clean.

They don't dance around Tra la lar'ing helping me get my dress made.

This will go to the Ball soon, I just need to get my act together.

I still have to work out what type of neck line I can have.

As the dress is so delicate the weight is tough,

as it has to be equally shared or it will rip the dress.

Another issue is that I am actually using whole packaging pieces and they tend to be rectangle so I have to attach them to fit or make smaller if to large but by gathering them not cutting!


Who knows! I just like a challenge I guess.

Health wise after my disastrous few weeks

My cold id nearly gone (nasal spray addict)

And as from Monday, I'm back to my long walks, foot ok.

Ready for running;-0

Side panels are now completed on one side.

I do have a handsome prince though, he brought me flowers.

And get this, for no reason ............

Oj Oj Oj must be love

But best of all

He brought me wool, now theirs man who know how to get to my heart.

Cool colours for my Marie Antoinette phase.


This part is dedicated to Paul (the FD) he recently visited and as you know my Blythe's eye move. (They change colour)

But in order to do this you have to pick them up and pull a cord at the back of there heads.

Which wreaks there perfectly groomed hair, and cute little outfit. So I only do that when I outfit change.

When Paul discovered this he decided to annoy me by constantly by changing the eye colour.(aaaahhhh)

And so on this visit I out smarted him and hid them in a cupboard. So of course to his annoyance he couldn't find them.

Once he left and I went to fetch them it made me laugh.
(inwardly obsessive again, that's three times this post)

As they really looked shocked and startled even a little freaky at being found.

Oslo Lap top bag for bean

I was so under the weather when I did my Oslo no knitting post that I had forgotten on the drive down I actually did manage a crochet.

Basic but all that was needed , Bean in true teenage boy style (18! I guess man) shocking

Chubby cheeked 5 year old in my eye's............

Brought a lap top and no case! so denim blue and pretty plain stitch, he was happy. I had to re-frame from my usual flowers and bright colours of decoration;-)

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Rasmus and the knitted Graffiti.

Rasmus and the Pee'd on, Pink knitted Graffiti.

Here he is sat back admiring his work!,

No wait ..........

that's me admiring him and my work, from behind the camera;-)

This is Rasmus showing his full application for my art.

We took a walk last week before the big melt.

I graffiti my dog route, as it just makes it a little more
interesting, especially when there is nothing but stupid snow.

I like to diary if you like(Just a photo), how long they last.

And how they start to blend in with their surroundings.

I miss them when they are gone, do all the dog walkers?

I hope so;-)

Rasmus obviously remembers this pink knit well

as he attempted to pee at it the 1st time but missed.

He is a only a doggy teen, just two.

(The tree that is!, he is house trained as does not pee on my knitting in general)

And on the re-visit he did it again,but properly.

I guess the knit is my way of marking the tree.

And the pee is Rasmus's.

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

Africa Crochet meets Odd Mollie

It's finished! yippee.

Started in South Africa,

J berg and finished in Stockholm.

Button holes.

And a new photography effect.....

Paint shop, wood.

All the Knitting and Crochet before you,

Is carved from wood;-).

Side view.

This is just me getting all arty

(Any one would think I liked knitted art)

Blue hook,

for the Ravelry group that likes colour coordinating crochet;-0

Four buttons at 10kr a button

Oj Oj Oj

I splashed out but this project is actaully for me so that's ok

Below Big fat bottom part.

As you know, my foot op and cold from Hell,

have had me sat on it, for a while.

All nearly better, 80%

Come hell or high water

Come Monday,

my running commences, I say run....light Jog, fast walk.

Not completive just keeps my sanity.

And I have missed it;-(

Back to the books!,

My studying has commenced and my own projects are on hold.

Just until I manage to get back into the swing of this student thing again.

I will be posting, what I'm up to shortly when I understand it all myself.

Be patient with me.

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Oslo and unexpected Knitting, Arne & Carlos

Arne & Carlos

My weekend trip to Oslo with Kim introduced me to some new knitters, that I had never heard of a seminar in Scorner Swedish and Norwegian, language wise, interesting very........

We managed half an hour, trying to understand, I tried my best.

(Unfortunately for me not any more than five words, Kim a little better;-.)

But a slide showed explained how they get from A to B in there designs. This was pretty cool and I really enjoyed their style of illustration.

Very Swedish, very traditional yet completely quirky.

Web site

It was a random knit event.

As we where actually going to the Finnish Marimekko exhibition at the Design and Museum.

A knitted treat as well as some beautiful textiles, Marimekko has become a favourite design of mine since living in Stockholm, I was just drawn to those flowers. (Who wouldn't be)

Carlos and Arne


Oslo, Benetton window display.

Tiny weeny jumpers, that I think where even for sale.........

I didn't go in, we did a lot of window shopping all my fault. I arrived in Oslo on Friday and a very bad cold followed, I haven't had a cold in years and I felt awful.

I soldered on seeing the sights;-)

Constantly sneezing and blowing my noise and thought it was best avoiding people and contact as much as possible.

(poor kim)

Great hotel the window was over half the wall.

It was like a huge canvas, the back drop being Oslo.

My camera had issues with this shoot, (Or my sickness)

It was Us or the background, so I put the background.

Better that than my Rudolf the reindeer red nose.

They didn't have Alison Crisps but they did have kim's!

(We where impressed with the room service,personal chips, eh Star)

A kind of knitted chair.

And I would like one........

Very designer and some sort of club, I had to take through the window

As it was shut during the day when we where wondering around.

Orange retro car

I loved this and if I had been on top knit form

I'm sure that I could have yarn bombed it in an hour;-)

But as you can see by my lacking of my own work on this post,

I was actually to sick to Knit.........

I know I can not believe that sentence came from my mouth, and that I actually been able to type it, but it was true.