Kamis, 26 April 2007

Skin Update

The frame work is holding up ok, but the knitting is surprisingly heavy. The inside are proving quite difficult as I am crochet almost inside out. Extremely hard on the shoulders, but I am getting their.
Watch this space!

This week I have been mostly making!

Baby Blankets

It seem there is definalty a baby boom, a girl and boy already. Twins on the way (not mine) and two more at the morning mums coffee. And some teachers at the school.

It seems crochet is coming in very handy with a mass production of pram blankets.

Senin, 23 April 2007

Part two of My skin with in.

The body part, torso or basque not quite sure how to describe it!.

A trip to the garden centre, wire cutters and some extremely Sharp edge combined with my clever measurements! ha... (a little help from Rich)

And my body is emerging, cable ties came in really handy. I have used them to hold the structure together and have twisted the cut wire edges to each other.

So far so good and no injury's, part three will be to shape the waste and add the skin. Watch this space.

Minggu, 15 April 2007

Crochet dress jewelry

This weekend using some Ribbon yarn the Autumn colour a 15mm crochet hook and some recycled beads (from an old lamp shade)
I made crochet jewelry a bracelet, necklace and earring's I just need to buy the earring attachments from my local bead store.
The Ribbon yarn doesn't seem to fray so can be used in a bow to act as the clasp, and I just used a treble stitch(I think) and treaded the beads before I started to crochet.

Sabtu, 07 April 2007

Shawl for a friend

Quick project
It Knitted up in a couple of hours.
This shawl was made using 3 balls of Autumn Ribbon lion brand yarn.
I made a square that being the knitted part using size 25mm, 20mm, 15mm and 12mm needles.
Mixing the needles as I knitted.
The edging on one side was completed in crochet when I casted off the knitted stitches until the last stitch them picked up the stitches with crochet.
I then folded the fabric into a triangle and joined it with a blanket stitch, making it easier to wear, evening or as a pashmina.
The ends of the yarns(joins) I made bows and then cut the edge as if material ribbon and then melted the edge to avoid fraying.
Agian a typical 'Alison Friday' as usual with my knitting projects, I start to knit and just see where the flow takes me.

Bertie Bassett

liquorice all-sorts is finished, I just need Kate Moss and a pair of big boot and the latest in huge bag. This would then make the cover of any glossy magazine.
Any one know her address!!!

Skin with in!

New project

These samples I made whilst flying, long haul is good for knitting. Each part is meant to be skin, different shades. My skin and whats with in, I have then crocheted them to together(like having stitches) to make my skin that will fit on a frame that I'm in the process of figuring out how to do?

It is a bit like 'Hannibal'(Silence of the lambs) Funny pun there! Lambs /wool......the skin that's stitched with the moth in the mouth. Mind you saying that it was an extremely Long time ago that I watched that movie.

Kamis, 05 April 2007


A big Thank you to my American friend 'Maggie' whom recently visited her old home of Stockholm and kindly brought me 10 ball of wool!! Yes 10 So my yarn stash has a good start to being rebuilt. :-)

This week I was mostly finishing!

liquorice all'sorts'
Here is a knit sample of the top/dress(tunic i guess as they seem to be really in)
I had been working on the week before my holiday. I have still to complete, so for me that's a week is a long project.
It's created using the kids hammer beads that I had brought from Ikea.
The last of my yarn an orange string type yarn and acyrlic black not colours I would have usually used, but they work. The top is knit and crochet as always a combination of stitch's and technique. The sleeve/straps are my favourite part, chain stitch with a run of random coloured beads. Time consuming to thread all the beads, but simple as they aren't so tiny.