Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009

Knitlab/ Laboratory gets new speciamen!

Knit lab-Laboratory gets Carnival karolinski

Yet another experiment, a complete jumble of technique style and yarn. If the litmus paper was dipped this specimen would be high on the alkali.;-)

Jumat, 30 Januari 2009

Yarnbomb (small scale)

Yarnbombing on a small scale and it is my 1st attempt at this newly named knit sport.
The handle of my Broken Blankie Blanket Basket seemed a good choice to practice on.

Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

Carnival Karolinski

The back of the skirt the chartreuse is three layers of ruffles. (up close).

Side on view in my window, I like my little star lights, they set of the skirt. Ready for any show set or even the stage performance!

Complicated? completed...... the front is a medley of clashing colour/ that make the eye believe that they do all really blend.

When really they do not Black pink blue? It's just something that's particularly cool with a good knit and crochet project, it's really hard to make any thing that will not blend together, once those stitches entwine.

I think that I need to increase its title as I think that it would probably be an excellent if a little cold outfit for the Notting Hill Carnival.

Rabu, 28 Januari 2009

This week I have been mostley crocheting!

The skirt I am now knitting a few round in blue, On the circular needles these are not my favourite thing the use (find them tricky) But they work really well when you are attaching to crocheted stitches.
The top of the two piece I am currently sowing in all the ends and I have to add the five button holes that attach it to the skirt, using the chartreuse
(Sitting on top of the pink basket)
Brought from Stockholm knitting fair.

Currently knit thinking about.............
Yarnbombing (Example The Crochet Mexican Bus)

I need to yarnbomb something, but what?

Minggu, 25 Januari 2009

Knit Cafe Sunday

My Cool Vogue Buttons that where a Christmas gift
(Thanks Lisa)
Sit very nicely on my skirt waist band, so that it can be joined actually onto the top.
If you like, or not if you prefer loose!

Yet more ruffles the aim was three rows so not the bottom cover is complete. I finished the last row at knit lab Sunday.

I just need to add some free-form panels to make the skirt a wearable in public length;-)

My current knitting new's

My You tube that's "Alison Friday on Swedish TV?"
(Something like that!)

Rich uploaded it, Any way ,what was I saying.......ah yes
He/Rich informed me, that it has had over 500 hits!

Completely shocking;-)

Yet how very cool, yet embarrassing at the same time,
my pretend posh British!
I was just so nervous its my Mothers phone voice as we say in the Uk, not at all like me.

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

Mexico and a Crocheted Bus!

My friend text me and said that this was in a Uk papers yesterday (The Sun).
So I did a Google hit and this is what I found!

The knitting World just gets cooler and cooler.

Kamis, 22 Januari 2009

KNIT LAB (A whole window of me-ness!)

New York!
Inside out dress!
My baby chair (An oop's no canvas moment)

Knit lab- Rosenlundsgatan

I made the entire window display so Im very proud and although I don't sell (yet!)
"One day I will"

At the moment I just pleased with the amount of people that stop to look.

It just makes me want to brag about it;-).
I'm very pleased with my creations.

Rabu, 21 Januari 2009


Not my usual dress form this time it's an elaborate top that almost looks like it straight from the 1980's Dallas series, it looks as if it has huge shoulder pads!
(see earlier post for top part)

This is the skirt part of the two piece up-date

Made on 4 mm hook so far that's small for me. So as you can imagine, takes a while I'm more an 8 if we are talking averages.

The ruffles are only at the back as the top has tentacles at the front, so it balances out
a little.

The bright green is a good spring colour to work with, all is dull in Stockholm wet rainy
snow/slush no bright white snow so it's nice to use such a bold colour.


Re- frozen
Melted, slightly darker photo this was because it was taken at night, I'd forgotten in the morning!
(Due to fast changing weather, I just took in bad light, to capture progress)

Knitted Art update

Snow first and the sculpture stayed intact. And then the next day
the temperature got very warm and it begun to melt. So this is the result over a few days as it had started to melt and then in true Stockholm, style it froze again.

Fun as its result are totally at the fate of the weather;-)

I will photograph it as long as it stands, then I will dry it out and set in glue what remains.

Senin, 19 Januari 2009


This weekend I have been working on the Front of the dress. Here it it so far:-)

Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Iced Crochet

-5 in Stockholm and their are a lot of icicles forming, dripping drains etc, Ice is magical and very pretty/clear
My idea to put knitting in the ice.
Or as I have done here crocheted, novelty acrylic. I made this sample with 25 hook and then using a plastic tray added water the knit and left it out side.
The ice popped out like a giant Ice cube and made for some pretty impressive photography. Mind you I think my neighbours think that I must be completely mad, photographing this on my drive way this morning.
I will continue to take photos as the ice melts so it will be Art in progress.

Kamis, 15 Januari 2009

Dolly FreeForm

I decided to take a break from my big knits and made a doll size prototype as they say. For a future project.
One of Monet's Brat collection has actually come in handy. She flew all the way from Australia with us when my daughter was 5 (now nearly 12) So she is even VINTAGE! for the doll lovers out their.
The skirt part
1st) I made an eye cord, size 12 double pointed with three yarns
2) Attached a crochet treble stitch to one side of the eye cord using the sparkly black
3) Then I made like fan almost and attached with a chain stitch

Rabu, 14 Januari 2009

Free Form- Karolinska

09- update
I have discovered yet another new stitch the black yarn. It's crochet but I twist the yarn around the hook 15 times and then pull back through each stitch.

Free form madness! I think this is going to be a completely UN- practical most defianlty non day wearable dress!

But who cares
Lets just call it ART

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009

Im back (short break)

Tentacle's(not testicles,spell check!) This time I have doubled there thickness they could stand up unaided.
The sleeve is a completely new stitch that I discovered whilst free forming.

Silence on the knit front as my daughter got sick. Emergency Appendix opp, but all things aside we are now getting all back to normal.(very slowly)

I should definitely get the nurse mum award, and my new dress needs to be titled Koralinska or something horrible like Appendicitis!

Here is the Free form dress so far and yes I have used the tentacles again, but when your child s sick its impossible to think of any thing new.

I was just crocheting on auto pilot to try and stay calm.

(Not lover of not knowing what's going on)

"My daughter who always jokes that I love knitting more than her!".

She was shocked at the little amount I did actually did do.
Monet commented along the lines of,

"she was really worried, as I was not knitting"
that she must be really very sick.;-(

But when worried out of your mind, my knit brain just wouldn't work.......

Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009

Rag Rug


Finally finished Bean bed room rug. Made with odds and end of fabric that I have recycled.
I had all the stuff ready........;-)
I just needed to find time to sit and cut it up, so that I could crochet the fabric.
Today I did just that,
Rasmus was very taken with it and as yet I haven't managed to cut all the ends.

Jumat, 02 Januari 2009


Joseph's (TC) Beany Hat, gets matching fingerless glove's. (1x100gm ball multi acrylic)

With the little yarn that was left I made two squares.
Halving the S'N'B pattern 32 stitches instead 64, two plain two pearl. Then I had a little
hand dye Kaffe Fassett left, so this I used as edging with a 5mm crochet hook.

Modelled by Monet

New Dress, Sculptured Back

New dress, sculptured back

Three Free form samples that I have made over Christmas, they have be joined to the neck line of my new dress. It will make a free form caped part to the back of the design. (Different)

Loving the colour scheme, warm and Winter-y
Mind you, you certainly wouldn't stay warm for long in this dress!

To many gaps;-)