Kamis, 16 November 2006

Fat beanie hats

Its seems according to a current well known UK mag that the fat beanie hat is the key accessory for this winter........

So that's cool seeing as Iam currently on about hat number 6?

Still the Stitch N Bitch pattern but I think that I totally have the hang of it now, so its time for my own version! So watch this space.

This time I used a sparkly bobbly wool it looks like little juggling balls are attached to the wool. But it was a right pain in the arse, as when it came to finishing the crown part it just tangled and made a mess so I had to un pick and re do. so I just used the plain purple for the last three rows and this helped.

Top tip

The crochet hook technic from the SnB excellent and I actually manged to pick up a couple of stitches with time and effort even though I did feel like cutting it in to tiny peice's when it all came unstitched and all knotted up! but I managed to complete it.

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