Minggu, 10 Juni 2007


Knitting plastic! It's nothing new for me. But this is a fun piece for those of you who have had the pleasure of living or visiting Sweden.

You would know that there only certain main shops in every street on every corner. Swedes can be a little like Ant's or penguins at a zoo(meaning they all follow in line) they don't like change and they are very happy with familiar and what everyone else has.

Thus making shopping here a little samey! Excellent for the nation as that's what they like and it works. But for me(Brit) it's a little boring. And I only noticed this fact, as my carrier bag collection is like one of those sand arts(layers of different sand in a cheesy little bottle, very sea side British)

All the same colour repeating it self up to the top of the container!(The Ikea plastic bag thing, we all have one).

So for an art "creative piece" I thought I'd crochet a "Swedish shopping bag hanging!" And every time I walk past it on my sofa it makes me laugh, Indinski, H&M, Stadium.........

Luckily their are also lots of little boutiques but I'm not quite their in the living standards so it would take a few years to make that piece.

Sweden is a great city to visit, eat and shop in. And the great thing they do have lots of, are beautifully stocked yarn shops!

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