Kamis, 22 November 2007

Britany straps

Straps after! with added buttons, they are detachable so can be removed for washing.
The detail was to add Covered button's

The idea of knitting covers for buttons a good one!
Just how to get the perfect colour match, as I wanted detail as the original straps the stitch I used to attach them to the dress didn’t look so neat. So I wanted to ad some thing to take that away.
This was my first try and it worked. Cheap buttons 5kr each, or though I did accidentally by expensive as I got my crowns confused and they where 40each and I thought 4!? So for two plastic purple buttons it was over £6
(And we are talking plan plastic not rolled in gold)
So I promptly got a refund and the cheap worked fabulously

Straps before!
For Britany straps I used the cord stitch but wasn’t happy with my join so next I added detail.

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