Kamis, 09 April 2009


Jelly is complete
I think she has turned out a little similar to the dress I made that's called Angela.
Angela can be found on my web site and my ravelry projects.
I guess the more you make, the more your style of design comes through in your work.

Signature quirks

The Red Heart Yarn is my favourite that being the thickest yarn parts the skirt. This is so strong I think that the stitch that it is made with could stand alone unaided and not need the mannequin.

The yellow and blue is
ull (wool) my fluent Swedish coming out their!
Oj oj oj
It actually feels like chenille, this I doubled to also give it thickness so it would fit better against the Red Heart, but it wouldn't stand alone.

It's very clown like and fun, I'm not sure what occasion it could be worn for other than a female Jester .......................

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