Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

Knitta Project NGA

Start process
Below the front entrance of the of the National Gallery Australia (Camberra)
This is where it will end up!, my made with love little scarf, a small part to add to big project. Along with 100's of others (hopefully)

Big scale graffiti knit

Project oz
Well actually project "Knitta please"

None other that the National Gallery of Australia (NGA to the locals)
Funny I guess being an artist, id like my art on the inside but seeing it's going on
one of the six large colossal columns out front that's just as good.

I'm very happy, mine is completely clashy, that way I thought it would hopefully stand out.
Proof in the pudding as they say.
Job done......
Finished packaged and posted.

Its scarf size and a group of volunteers will attach them altogether, I'm not sure if a project like this has been done before.

But yet another fab-knit-tastic idea!
what to do with needles and yarn.

I really need to get my thinking cap on, I keep being involved in these great idea's, knitta and of course the Pom pom project.

I think its time I thought of one........

I guess that I have the time now, to do just that.

Official, life change announcement!

We, my family will be living in Stockholm for one more year.
Not my choice, don't get me wrong I love love love Stockholm, its been a very lucky place for me.

I am who I am, because of Stockholm I really found my self here.

I was Just ready to go home, but due to reasons beyond my control all my knit buddies have to put up with my mad ideas and big knits, for another year;-).

And all my new knit connections that I have been working on in the UK will have to wait one more year.

Famous last words.
Only one, only two the third and final and now the fourth
Oj Oj Oj

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