Jumat, 17 Juli 2009

Im back (Wedded Bliss)

Holiday over!
Dairy of events
Manic preparation...........
I almost finished Carmen's shawl, finally! Ironically having to fly it home (again) instead of posting it cheaply in England, as I forgot to pack
my emergency knit kit!
(manic I repeat)

I have never, ever........... forgot my knit kit(ever!)
(Important weddings do funny thing's to your brain)
Just need to finish my ends, I need to blot this to soften the linen (flax) before posting. It's now a very belated birthday gift (May)
Tiny stitches took me a while longer than expected.

Little knitting done
The drapes, that could have been knitted!
What happened to my thinking cap!
This was the part that I wished I had knitted on my large broom stick needles but I didn't have them with me in the Uk, they where unfortunately home in Sweden;-(. The fabric draping took a while, a huge wobbly ladder and me at the top armed with a staple gun. Several assistants, needed for the drape-age and reloading of the magic staple gun. Not to mention the supporting me at the top of the wobbly ladder. A couple of hours, a few hundred metres(Well that's what it felt like!) not to mention arm ache, Job done. But on inspecting my photography, it occurred to me that here I really could have whipped up a knitted White silky drape and made much better use of the fabric!
(I'll save that for my idea's box)
Centre pieces, pink and white Hydrangeas For the bird cage's
Chef assistant table decorator
Team Gem , Alison and Louise (Design and layout) Not cutlery!(lots of older help for the silver wear)
Bride and Groom
Gemma and William
Sari fun, Completed One project a scarf/shawl ( knit gift from lenah) Mango moon, spun silk the off cuts of actual sari's, hand spun. http://www.mangomoonyarns.com/ Luscious colour's a real purple metically look, and soft as!

I thought that it may feel
a little rough(Twisted fabric and all)
And even by it's appearance, simply it's quite thick. But
it was very soft, two rough spots in the entire skein.

It had a really nice feeling
for crocheting with, I figured I'd crochet it, not knit!
As it was so silky and could very easily
slip from one's, knitting needles.
The unavailing colours as you worked the yarn very cool, Red , green and blue.
Changing as you went along with each row.
I think that you will agree very pretty;-)

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