Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

knitting Pretty, my interview.

A toast to myself when I checked my mail in Africa,

I found my interview.

It had indeed been published, and I have to say,

I sound very professional;-).

So exciting!!!!!

Knitting Pretty

by Golnaz Alibagi

Listed under: One Voice

Published: Friday, January 08, 2010

Read below the beginning

Then click on link to peruse the rest


A self-proclaimed knitting fanatic, designer Alison Friday sure knows her wool,
but what does the quirky artist make of the craft industry right now?
How do you think the knitting industry has changed over the years?

(Angela how random, they used Quirky? it's a sign......)

Castle Beer South African, lovely.

Lodge Crocheted Graffiti.

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