Senin, 05 April 2010

Easter Monday Snow!

Unbelievably Easter Monday Snow!

At 730 I woke up to this.........

And believe me there is a whole lot more now, it has only just stopped falling.

Saturday afternoon it was shorts and T shirt weather, well plus 10(ish) to me that was heaven , no more onion layers. And yes I put shorts on;-).

Patio stuff out,pot plants planted and relax.

Come Monday it's back, shocking.
Over my snowed in stress..............

I will continue my post

Easter Chicks

Easter knit Graffiti

Little chicks (Monet has a production line)
(one day past official deadline but better late than never)

These are made for the yarn graffiti pole project. I decided to crochet Ten and then make Ten chains, that I will just tie like a ribbon around the other posts.

As to crochet twenty, was just a little
to many(over achievement) to complete in the time needed.

Dog blanket disaster

Saturday the The Story begins.

Well actually Rasmus's puppy blankie.

Rich fixed the bikes, the snow had melted and we where going to hit the bike ways.
Stockholm is pretty well linked up by a good amount of walking paths and bikes ways,
very Cool.

He asked in true man style did we have any old cloths, messy hands bike fixing!, you know the sort old rags.

Rasmus has a cupboard of old duvets and towels as you can imagine, fluffy wetWhen the snow melts the dog walk is almost military in preparation, rugstowels all ready for the return as he will be soaked. dog.

Totally filthy, fur full of grit, that will get shaken all over the hall way.

Any how the cloths, lots I told him to just rip up and old towel. In this cupboard there was one blanket that meant something to me and the kids. I had a patch work phase, phase a loose term.

I made a little square blanket that was pretty much a disaster, much harder than it looked an too precision for me, I'm more random than controlled.

But it was puppy size, and yep (Oh no!) you guessed it!

Rasmus's from 8 weeks, HE CUT THAT UP!

aaaaahhhhhhh its only stuff but Oj Oj Oj the kids shocked. He was really apologeticreally I just had to laugh. Because out of all the torn towels, he picked the padded hand made bright blanket. and

My kids where sad;-( bad Dad.

Puppy Rasmus now two and a bit.

Packaging dress gets sleeves attached.

Each sleeve in one piece, I used some of the fruit packaging and then stitched the top and added it to the recent arm holes that I created.

This dress is the 1st that I have made in reverse, when I think about it. I usually always have the top done and then work on the skirt part.

But this time I had a frame work, I had pinned where what to the mannequin. But initially had not thought about the sleeves.

I had thought about the top part of the sleeve and attaching was hard on the mannequin, one you need height two stammerer.

But I need to think how I can pull the bottom of the sleeve in as they seem stiff and stuck out.

Still a WIP but defiantly getting closer to completion.

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