Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Karin's flower, my bag and a charity shop Sweep.

Karins flower and this weeks school knit cafe made my bag.........

I was attempting to make three little of my own flower pattern, when karin made this Ravelry version and it blew mine away.

So here is a collaborative bag made by two knit cafe members. Lady Gaga, is in the background and still unfortunately on hold.

My own stitch and in three colours, the simple rectangle bag envelop method.


Coral pink

White, acrylic.

I added a piece of card to keep the shape, maybe a fabric snifter could be used here that's something new to look into.

My charity shop sweep.

20kr's (£2)

Charity and thrift shops are a real gem for the avid knitter/crocheter. Pick a regulars one, so you know where to look, ask if you can not find.

(Easy, cheap and available!)

Mine, I am pretty impressed with, very rarely they have noting, from yarn to needles and hooks, always something. But today an over load.

40kr (£4)

The bargain of the day...........

80kr (£8) at 10 balls of rag.

I brought two lots of this, as I felt that new and packaged
was a complete bargain.;-)

All the blues...........

Yet more doily's , yes I can never have enough..........


Pan stand and a doily.

Art to follow;-)

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