Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

Crochet Doily addiction.......

Doily addictions.

Collecting doily's seems to have turned into a little bit of an obsession......

If I look back over previous posts....... been a few

It seems the excitement of doily purchasing goes right back to the start of
my all things yarn related (collections)




Packaging (skien labels)

A little bit or a collector it would seem.

Doily's to;-)

Yes I actually use them, not maybe for there intended purpose but use is better than storage and never seen.

Traditions doily related, I will have to research this but I'm sure it goes way way, back to hand made engagement and wedding gifts etc etc

New home type thing, can not just be dust related.

I just can leave them in the charity shops, so much loving work went into making them a gift, a decoration, hand made with fantastic skill.

And a lot of time and effort went into them with the very complicated designs. That's why I just have to buy them.

One day.....One day they will make a come back and when that time happens Ill have my vintage collection ready.

I think the one above is actually a pan stand!

Now that's a first, should I start collecting.........for space sake its a doily.

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