Minggu, 05 September 2010

It's all pants!!! (Kidding)

Loving my blog title

Pants (found these whilst sorting my art space)

I know I keep mentioning the art space..... Harping on

" But I am just so happy about having a space on my very own".

Pants couldn't be further form the truth, I'm currently involved in some amazing knit/crochet adventures.

The outcastsuk (huge) Huge cake that is. And even a possibility...........I wont mention it as ill be jinxed, but something very very exciting to follow. (Hopefully)


I actually designed something of cousre I will not end up making it as that's simply not the way I work. Mind you one day........who knows.

My Blythe may have one in miniature as a little test run. Since I have moved home to the UK they have been left redundant on a shelf. They had a run in with my good friend twins little girls (there eyes lit up/the twins that is)

There hair got messed and the expression was not of happiness they are not you common
barbies was the phrase if real they would have shouted;-).


Kind of Sherlock Homes meets the common camping kite.
(hood inspiration)

Fingers in many pies

Me to a T

So many ideas and can only make so much at once so seeing spaced has gotten a hell of a lot smaller my one mannequin holds three on the go projects.
(literally as it goes everywhere I do)

I can not believe how hideous the front room wall paper is, it has been here for 20 years or so. That's in a project file titled (must get to it projects) wallpaper when I can crochet!!!, Exactly.

Birthday cakes

I'm going round and round in circles a bit like my life really;-) 10 steps forward 5 back but we are getting there.

Garden wise

Skip number two filled this weekend.

Largest ball of wool EVER

Below Technical measurements for my second tear, that are actually now both complete i'm just a little behind on my blogging.

Top layer round to go.

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