Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Jennifer Aniston in Crochet.

Crocheted Dresses
Always never missing an opportunity to promote Crochet , here is my latest find the new chick flick( I think) film 

And doesn't Jen look lovely in her perfectly crocheted dress.
(I'm hoping hand made)

Yes I here you

Yet another bag, a theme of not concentrating and being awfully bored of my current situation.

Need something new...........

Peacock colours
A 70 Brussels sprout bag inspired.

My skirt and other bag, previously posted but better quality photos this time.
You can see the blue if you look close on the waist band that I'm still pulling in so no falling off on the hips.

The Belt strap is a pretty cool feature.

Wall paper 
I found wall paper for my bed room!(not brought it yet) but finding it's a positive start.  Black and white now thats weird!, I like a colourful house.

What could have influenced me......  I strangely think that it came from Rasmus, very black and white.  Perfect! I guess it's a comfort thing.

Rasmus and the wall paper, it would be like a black and white where's Wally! 
He will blend right in;-)

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