Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Random seems to be the word of the month.

Above one of my newest editions to my knitted art collection. And fabulous it is, I hope you'll agree.

I titled this blog Random things as the weekend just gone, I had a google morning.  If I'm honest, honesty I was googling myself 
(Am I the only one that does this? )  I think not.  

And I found lots of random things.  This is what I still love about the art of crochet and knit there is always something new to inspire me..........

Here are but a few, laugh, inspiration or just to look, you decide.
Bike inner tube rug

Below a book on making doily's! I must try and buy.

Article knitting
I used the new search engine on google that when you put in one word.  Knitting, it links you to blogs images etc etc.

Very cleaver and below was the article that had most of these lovely pictures so i borrowed a few and if you have time read the article as its pretty good.

A cuppa may be needed now.

I only recently saw the lady above on a grand designs, a barn conversion of immense proportion's I could find the link but you may fair better than me.

But the reason I'm mentioning this is that I have recently decided that I'm a maxi-ama-list as this couple where , she being half.  They where defiantly an inspiration.

In my 20's I minimised.
In my 30's I recycled,a hell of a lot.
Two years from 40 , my art is a collection of everything that I could possibly use.

My shed /studio is starting to reflect that of a horder;-( 

Puffa fish
Etcha sketch
just incase



For sale at Jacksons along with all the other plastic folders, stuffed with little plastic protective leaves, that safely house every pattern that ever there was.
Anglea Hatton.

My dear friend, I had picked it out without even knowing it was defiantly hers that's what happens when you stithced together for along time.



Embarrassing but Ive lost the page that I found this, even her name escapes me.  To be returned to in a future post.

And I'm done, random things post is over.......

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